
Click on the bell icon.


Begin by clicking on ‘Employee Verification Checklist’


Click start.


Click start. This will switch to your browser to present the ‘Welcome to Paycom’ content.


Some mobile browsers block pop-ups by default. If so, you will need to disable your pop-up blocker. iPhone users should go to settings, select Safari, and ‘allow pop-ups’.


Click ‘start course’


Click the triangle to watch the video. If you swap away form the app, answer a call, etc., the video will pause. You must finish watching the video to continue.


Once you have completed watching the video, switch back to the Paycom app and click ‘done’.


Click start to move to the address and contact information validation screen.


Click ‘verify email’ to begin the email verification process and, when complete, click ‘verify phone’.


Switch to your email to click the ‘verify email’ link.


After clicking through the email, you will be brought to a webpage to click ‘verify’.


If you see the success screen, return to the Paycom app.


Continue on the address and contact information validation screen. Click ‘add emergency contact’ to add an emergency contact. Complete the section by clicking ‘update’.


Begin the ‘EEO Information’ section by clicking start.


Once complete, move onto the Dependent Beneficiary Info section.


Once complete, click start to verify your direct deposit information. This is very important!


To verify your direct deposit information, click the hamburger menu and navigate to the location listed in the directions: Payroll : Direct Deposit : Verify or Add Account


Verify that all account numbers are correct or add a new account.


Begin to verify your tax information by clicking start.


To verify your tax information, click the hamburger menu and navigate to the location listed in the directions: Payroll : Tax Setup. Make any corrections.

You must sign and update!

Contact your tax professional with any questions on how to configure your tax answers.


Be sure to click Federal and State/Local before signing.


Click ‘Sign and Update’ to confirm your choices.

You’re Done!

Wahoo! If you still see a red notification number near the bell icon, close your app and reopen. If there is still a red notification, click and action it.